6180 State Route 83 | Millersburg, OH 44654

A Glimpse into the Joys of Long-Term Care

November 15, 2023
If you’ve ever worked in long-term care, you know how many challenges come with the job. However, during a recent appreciation walk-through at Sycamore Run, we asked our staff what they loved most about their jobs working in long-term care, and we had so many heartwarming responses. When it comes down to it, the reason we get up and come to work every day is to be able to make a difference with our residents.

The nursing staff at Sycamore Run is there every day to provide direct one-on-one care. When we asked what they loved most about their job, they mentioned, “I love being able to get to hear their stories,” and “We see these people and take care of them. We form a bond and it’s like having an extended family.” Another perk mentioned by one nurse said, “I love working in long-term care because you can actually get to know the people you’re taking care of. I love the consistency.”

The next department we sat down with was our Dietary Team. They collectively agreed that they enjoy the stability and job security that comes with working in this field. “I couldn’t imagine working anywhere else than with the residents I serve here,” said one of our Dietary Aides. Being a part of a Dietary Team in long-term care means taking pride in serving residents an enjoyable and nutritious meal. They get to hear input from residents about what they would like to see on the menu and have the ability to try to make that happen for them. They enjoy giving our residents a real down-home dining experience with every meal.

The housekeeping staff also enjoy their positions. They aren’t direct care staff, but they are just as important for our residents. One Laundry Aide mentioned that the residents were “my people.” Another stated, “I enjoy being able to talk with the residents and put a smile on their faces.” This joy goes the other way around for another housekeeper as she shared, “No matter what stress I am under, whether it be in my personal life or work life, I know that I can come to work and will instantly smile and have a great day because of my residents.”

As you can see, it’s a mutual feeling between the staff working in long-term care and the residents who reside here. We are all a team and work well to be able to care for the people we have grown to love. Our Administration Team works hard to continue providing these great experiences, working with the people we have grown to consider our extended family. Most of us start on this journey working in long-term care to be able to get our feet wet in the unique and large healthcare career world. This quickly turns into the environment that we want to succeed and retire from. In honor of Long-Term Care Awareness Month, we at Sycamore Run are proud to say that we love working with our residents every day!

Our objective is simple at Sycamore Run Nursing and Rehabilitation: bring together individuals who are passionate, dedicated, and driven by the right reasons to make a meaningful impact in our residents' lives. Join us and be part of something special. Click the button below to see what positions we currently have available.


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A Glimpse into the Joys of Long-Term Care
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